Save money on your mortgage every month.

And the best part is in many cases this can be done without the usual headaches:

  • NO application or refinance fees
  • NO need for payslips or ID check

  • NO credit card statements

  • NO time consuming application

  • NO waiting weeks to see if you qualify (and then more weeks to settle)

  • NO changing your everyday banking

Since Nov 2022

Number of clients helped
$ saved for clients per year
Banks whipped into shape!

Interest rates are going up. Plus the general cost of living is going up. Ouch! Lenders are increasing interest rates and if you are an existing customer your rate increases more than for new customers (sorry to bring that bit of bad news if that’s you….).

This means many people are doing it financially tough. But even if you are not, you could very well be paying more than you need to -through an interest rate that is higher than it needs to be-. This could easily add up to hundreds of dollars a month. And there is really no need to give the banks any more than is necessary. (CBA’s profit for 2022 was $9.67Billion, ANZ: $6.2Billion, NAB: $6.9Billion). Now, I understand that it is normally a hassle to get a better rate. Especially if it involves changing banks.

We understand.

And that is why our first approach is to your current lender. See what they can are willing to do. We will show you what is possible with other lenders as well but the choice is yours. Just to minimize the impact and timeframe for you.

Rate increases since Apr 2022

There have been 8 rate rises by the RBA in 2022, see the table below. The impact this has on you depends on your specific loan balance. The second table shows repayments based on loan amount and interest rate.

Compare the repayment on your current interest rate vs. a 0.25% or 0.50% lower rate. That is your possible savings.

click to zoom

Potential Savings

The below table is for principal and interest repayments on a 25 year loan term. Compare what difference a 0.25% or 0.50% rate reduction can make on your monthly mortgage repayments.

click to zoom

WARNING! Banks increase rates for existing customers over and above what they charge new customers (First noted by the RBA in 2020, statistics show a higher average interest rate for existing loans vs. new loans). And that gap widens for customer who have been with their lender 2+ years & 5+ years),

WARNING! Banks increase rates for existing customers over and above what they charge new customers (First noted by the RBA in 2020, statistics show a higher average interest rate for existing loans vs. new loans). And that gap widens for customer who have been with their lender 2+ years & 5+ years),

Savings achieved for customers

What are you waiting for?

Still not sure? That’s ok. Being skeptical (or too busy) is normal. For the skeptics, read here an independent report on “loyalty tax”. A common practice where banks charge more to existing customers. Or maybe this is just not important enough for you. We understand.

But if you are still reading….. Consider this. Even a $100 a month saving is $1,200 a year (or $30,000 over 25 years!). That would pay for a nice long weekend away. Money in your pocket instead of the bank.

It could also go to your super or towards college tuition for your kids…. For us the bottom line is this: Why would you pay more than someone else for exactly the same product? Why should your loyalty cost you whilst a new customer gets a better deal?

Is that worth 3 minutes of your time? That is all it takes. Follow the link, fill in your details and find out what is possible.

We love helping clients get a better deal and we love keeping the banks on their toes.